Should Americans have access to health care like many other countries? No? yes? Selfish Americans cant or have no right. You know why? Our health care system is still operating in the dark ages of paper records and handwritten scrawls Excessive meritless lawsuits against neurosurgeons and ER physicians threaten access to emergency care: As a result, some trauma centers must transfer Complex cases, are “downgraded” in the care they can pro-Vide, or are forced to close (June 14, 2004; American College of Emergency Physicians,) One in seven obstetricians no longer delivers babies: because of fear of being sued, is driving America’s ob-gyns to stop delivering babies (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Medical Liability Survey, July 19, 2004). Meritless lawsuits cost everyone 125,000 lawsuits currently in the system: On any given day, this is a conservative estimate of the number of active Lawsuits against physicians—a number almost twice as large as the number of medic...