What does it cost? to transform your passion in to a career ?

There is times tiredness and frustration comes together to curse fucking God, it is always easy and better to blame God instead people. I am a very happy man in the world  and I also loved what I did in the Hospitals. before medical school  used to work in the Laboratory and radiology dept as a Laboratory scientist but I was fortunate in making the choice to in a more benign specialty. But its often too late when you realize what kind of path you are on, and you have come too far to look back and change your mind. You have already gave up a lot and you go on thinking, "it will get better someday". Someday never comes until one day you are tired late  thirties  man finished the medical program and saddle full of debt, have to look for alternative jobs. your friends are married, some have children , most own homes, and many have been promoted several times in their careers. You are still waiting for some day, Training become  slow, progressive isolation from the rest of the world. The people and things that keep most people grounded are no longer there. You become who you are in unknown land, too much time with books and isolation, because what else do you have? what else are you? Just another victim of the brutality of medical training. Just standing and  holding 10-12 hours nothing but human lungs and hearts , how else do you think the monsters the throw scalpels in the OR come in to being? If you took the training and showed them that movement, would they still be  med students? may be or  may be not.
next blog ...............


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