How to choose?

I don't know why am writing on dating , love and relationships but she said "I am dating 3 men. I want to date for a while and see what's out there. I like them 3 very much. One I have unbelievable chemistry with. and totally turns me on. He likes me a lot, too. The other is the nicest man I have ever met. The 3rd one He would do anything for me and we have a great time together. I can't go on like this and I feel that I must choose one. I can't decide. My heart wants one and my head says the other and my body wants the 3rd one. How can I make this decision? I don't want to hurt no one, but I feel I am being deceitful dating 3. how to choose.?"

lol what a personality? why cant a women go with one at one time for short dates then pick one, dating with 3 at once?, I wish that men leave her alone, and she gets no one. Why don't people think? we are all humans and every single person on the planet get hurt by one way or other . And you have no right to hurt people, If you pick one then other 2 will become loosers? do they deserve this ? Absolutely not. What ? you have got 3 vaginas? . First you don't have any respect for others, and you have no morals and typically you are not eligible to make any healthy relationships. Even if you married, soon you will get divorced and search for other men and finally become one of slut's group. Cause your head thinks you need to have multiple guys at once.

If the 3 guys knows each other and still wants to go out with you, all they want is have sex and leave you alone,you will never get no one. that's for sure. I don't think any family orientated Men go out with who dates 3 at once.

You go and pick one that will really blow your skirt up. dating is dating. You're seeing what's out there. Which means you have permission to see multiple men. But one at one time until you find your life mate. 


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