President Obama inaugural speech and and his quality of leadership brought billions of peoples attention in his first day in white house he become one of the most popular figures in the world, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Princes Diana, and he deserved it. Good Luck Mr. President. The world is yours. The whole day this movie reminded me, how cruel the world was. Its great movie but it was true story.
The U.S. Border Patrol was created in 1924 to help prevent illegal entry across the Mexican and Canadian borders. its funny in 2010 still we say secure the border???? 1930-1964 During the Great Depression between 1929 and about 1939, there was enormous public outcry that Mexican immigrants were taking jobs unemployed Americans needed. World War II again created a need for labor to fill jobs left by military personnel. "By then, there are over a million Mexicans a year coming to the U.S. to work both illegally and legally," 1965-today The most recent wave of immigrants began in 1965, when Congress replaced a system of quotas based on country of origin. Since then, more than 100 million legal and illegal immigrants have entered the U.S., with the majority coming from Mexico in search of jobs. 1820-1879 The first major immigration wave since the U.S. became a nation started in the 1820s and lasted until a recession in the late 1870s. The wave brought about 7.5 million immigrants...
The library has three books bound in human skin -- the anatomy text and two 19th century editions of "The Dance of Death," a medieval morality tale. link A number of prestigious libraries -- including Harvard University's -- have such books in their collections. While the idea of making leather from human skin seems bizarre and cruel today, it was not uncommon in centuries past, said Laura Hartman, a rare book cataloger at the National Library of Medicine in Maryland and author of a paper on the subject. link Harvard acquired the book in February 1946 from a rare book dealer in New Orleans for the cost of $42.50. It is kept in its own box in the rare book collection
According to CNN.Com , the e-coli outbreak has spread to twenty states. Federal health officials say an outbreak of E. coli has spread to 20 states and sickened 94 people. The news prompted health officials to warn the public that even if you wash the spinach, you still could be at risk. Sober warnings for salad lovers came from federal health officials Friday as they struggled to pinpoint a multistate E. coli outbreak that killed one person and sickened dozens more. Bagged spinach -- the triple-washed, cello-packed kind sold by the hundreds of millions of pounds each year -- is the suspected source of the bacterial outbreak, Food and Drug Administration officials said. The FDA warned people nationwide not to eat the spinach. Washing won't get rid of the tenacious bug, though thorough cooking can kill it. Supermarkets across the country pulled spinach from shelves, and consumers tossed out the leafy green. one of my friends she eats spinach direct bag to mouth, I ...