Why (S)he’s not marrying ?

Why are evangelists and the church so cruel? They tell people the world is ending soon, but then they want them to get married and have more children! What is the point? To bring more sufferers into a dying world? the secrete societies  will destroy your life if you did not listen to them.

They tell people the only purpose of marriage is to produce children. But what is the point, if it is all coming to an end soon? They should  quit saying (Lying) the world is ending.

Many people have refused to get married and  have children because of them. 

And many coming from divorced parents, and they think they will be like their parents(fear)

If you think

Some men aren't comfortable sharing their space and possessions with a woman…..(not true)  men love to share her space,

He prefers to be isolated……….. (some times not all the time)

He's a perfectionist………… (perfect) then get him

He's extremely well-organized and his place is cleaner and better decorated than yours is…………….(True)  if women is not clean, no men will be around, so clean up your ass and organize better).

He needs lots of time to read…………. (True) including  women's mind  but he never succeed)

He doesn't want to be disturbed at all when watching the History or C-span Channel or the playoffs…………..(True) no one can help it, but except one thing ( I wont tell you).

He's married to his work, Some guys live to work, not work to live. If his job is ever present, whether it's frequent business trips or constant shop talk, chances are the job will take priority over a marriage………… (may be true, but  if women knows how to keep her wedding alive then he wont, women wants more money so he have to work to keep your ass happy, he will not if women didn't forget her roll as women)  

He has gray hair, but he's still a 22-year-old emotionally
Some guys never get past the incredible feeling of independence that comes with being able to stay up as late as they would like to, eat whatever they want, drop their dirty laundry wherever they want and not get yelled at. (well, it might be true but a passionate women can break the pattern)




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