just a small piece of black or color cloth

The question of what women wear on their heads has once again become an issue in the media. Does a small piece of black or color cloth really warrant this much of discussion, especially by those know nothing about its history but claim the right to decide its future?
The issue is not whether or not one should wear a veil or cover one’s head. I think it is something, which needs to be left to both the individual person as well as society. Veiling or covering of one’s head is both a social and a cultural issue.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said waded into the "burqa'' controversy by endorsing the view that the veil worn by Muslim women was a "mark of separateness'' and an obstacle to integration.
After Afghan war for the press, the removal of the veil/burqa became an irresistible metaphor of that new freedom: "Veil Is Lifted in Mazar-e Sharif; New Freedoms Embraced as City Emerges From Taliban Rule" (Washington Post, ); "Women Shedding Cloak of Taliban Oppression" (Boston Globe,); "Veil Lifts on Afghan Women’s Future" (Denver Post, ); "In Kabul, Still a Veil of Fear," (Newsday,).
American feminists also made the veil a rallying cry. Explaining why "Afghanistan is Every where" was chosen as the new slogan for "V-Day" (violence-against-women day)
American Muslim women and scholars of Islam did not hesitate to protest this particularly Western attitude. In a Los Angeles Times op-ed January 20 Laila Al-Marayati and Semeen Issa of the Muslim Women’s League contended that the burqa was not the major focus of concern for Afghan women. "Their priorities are more basic, like feeding the children, becoming literate and living free from violence." "Bring us your democracy, not your bikinis," Zohra Yusuf Daoud, Miss Afghanistan of 1973, told a Women for Afghan Women conference in New York.
Yes, Prime Minister Blair and President Bush keep working hard on removing Veil and leave pro-war guys like this alone.
I saw some where, when the son of a prominent companion of the Prophet asked his wife Aisha bint Talha to veil her face, she answered, "Since the Almighty hath put on me the stamp of beauty, it is my wish that the public should view the beauty and thereby recognized His grace unto them. On no account, therefore, will I veil myself."
Some Catholic women wear a scarf over their heads while visiting the pope or other spiritual leaders.
Some Protestants may say VEIL (velum, a covering). Pagan customs in regard to the use of the veil cannot here be considered, but it s not a pagan custom it was from the bible it self. (Gen. 24:65). Rebekah "took a veil and covered herself." (See also 38:14, 19.), and Jesus mother Mary was covered with veil
Oops, from tomorrow all protestant christen women will cover with Veil just like Rbekah………….. Hmmm Nah, They keep just as wedding veil headpiece.
- Does your school have a dress code, require uniforms, or have some other standard of dress?
If yes, what does it say?
If no, should there be a clothing policy?
Is there a difference between a dress code and a policy requiring uniforms?