Get a Life

Most people on the earth move less than 10km on a regular basis, according to the study published in the journal Nature. The vast majority of people move around over a very short distance."Then there were a few that moved a couple of hundred kilometers on a regular basis." and 95% of people on the earth tend to return to the same few places over and over again. Seems there is no life?

who gave the permission to spend billions of dollars to kill millions of innocent people in Iraq and hang one (so called evil) person. we have no fkg clue where we are going even after spending hundreds of billions . if we spend half of that money on science research for mentally depressed people we would have better leaders. 90% of people in America needs psychiatrist not clinicians.

and other part of world suffering lack of food and drugs for AIDS and other health problems. now somebody said hey you know what? our administration"led the nation to war on false premises," ya jerks, you find out that after spending trillions on security for nothing?. Get a life.


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