
many named as  Aliens  I do not think Aliens is the right word,  no one come from  moon nor red planet,  we all belongs to  this planet and moreover  all are  citizens of some nation.  you can call them expatriate  or an  immigrants. any way some reports
indicates that the Senate Republicans are basically moving toward to passing the earned adjustment of status for the illegal aliens, but the leaders are scheduled to introduce three compromise options for the eligibility: (1) EWI (Entered Without Inspection or Border Crossers) vs. Overstays (Entered legally but overstayed); (2) Long resident over 5 years vs. Recent arrivals; and (3) Adjustment of status within the U.S. for some illegal aliens vs. Application for reentry to the U.S. at the border for the some illegal aliens. It thus appears that the Senators are likely to give credit to the illagal aliens to the longer overstayed illegal aliens over the border crossers. It is interesting how the Senators will iron out the final compromise today


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