Good girls gone BAD

its interesting i was talking with couple of guys and girls about relationships.
Sure,girls being playful with another man may score you a free drink or get you out of a speeding ticket. But your guy's wondering just how "friendly" you would get if he weren't right next to you. A 19, to elaborate: "My last girlfriend knew how to work a room," he says. "But too often her flirting would get out of control, like she actually wanted the other guys. Before long, I started to view her antics as cheap rather than charming."
yep she is too cheap so if she get a chance he gets a chance too so where these two stand in relationship in fact there is no relationship.
No you don't. You just want us to stop calling you?. This is a lot like pulling off a band-aid. Do it quick—don't prolong the agony. Most of us take "I just want to be friends" as "There's still a chance," so if there isn't just make it a clean break and move on. Everyone will be much better because of it.
How come women don't date nice guys?
ha ha ha good point?! dude be cause they don't know what they want.
one guy said "The last two girls I dated said I was very good looking but I was just to nice. I don't understand what do they mean by to nice? I did open the car door for them and pull out their chair at dinner. Both of my dates in the last 3 weeks ended up dumping me because of my niceness. I know most women go for the bad boy type of thing. But I just don't know how to be a bad boy it's just not my style.
poor guy
dude thats the women they go on the street grab a drink and then what? once they know they screwed up then came home and realize omg i screwed my life. experiment is okay for one stage but too much anything is not good so they will end up as call girls in Vegas. so don't worry there are nice girls around she will find you.
one girl said Don't mention the other guys at any cost. Just be cool. Show her a good time and be attentive to her when you are with her but when you are apart do your own thing. She will test out your self-confidence to see if you get jealous. The truly confident dude won't care that she is seeing other guys (at least at this point)
ya right ( what do you say? true confident dude?) i do my own things and you do your own things we no need to be in a relationship jerk. jealous is in normal dictionary shows as(Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position) but not true
Jealous is showing extreme love; painfully desirous of another's advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success "; "envious of his art collection" that love, not you can get in Vegas for 100 bucks. that is called every one wants at home make as a "family" thats why we are still humans. no matter where we come from east or west or north or south we are just people as male and female who want to fall in love each other.
so be good girl and become a nice women not a call girl or a stripper