In October of 2007 I bought 2 NR series laptops when I saw advertising on I spent nearly 200min with the tech support to make it work none of them  work, finally I returned them and ordered FZ  290 in December 2007 with blue ray , those sucks too I sent one of them to repair center   they kept 15 days and could not figure it out what was wrong and they  didn't care.  And I ordered another fz and they send me with wrong configurations.  

After this entire incident I decided to never purchase another piece of Sony junk technology again. Not only because of a personal boycott, but because I don't want to deal with their shoddy tech support in the future. Why risk another situation like that when I can try out one of their numerous competitors instead?

 For some like me it will be after buying an expensive and highly defective products and user experience like will result with their ridiculous blue ray players that don’t play blue ray disks. Now lots of 290s they are selling them at outlet store.  Sony was great in 80s and 90s but not now anymore

I still fall in love with the Sony WXGA (XBRITE-HiColor display and the keyboard other than that the whole product is sucks, and untrained tech and customer support.  Sony may great in Japan but not in the US. All of Sony products are broken with some kind of problem. SONY YOU SUCK


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