NOBLEMAN. caring alone

I think BILL GATES will be the best United States President ever if he come in to politics and elected as a president of United States. and i have no doubt he will lead the country as a true global leader. but unfortunately he wont come in to stinking politics. see what he says Before the Committee on Science and Technology United States House of Representatives.
If the United States truly wants to secure its global leadership in technology innovation, we must, as a nation, commit to a strategy for innovation excellence – a set of initiatives and policies that will provide the foundation for American competitive strength in the years ahead. Such a strategy cannot succeed without a serious commitment from – and partnership between – both the public and private sectors. It will also need to be flexible and dynamic enough to respond to rapid changes in the global economy. I believe this strategy must place top priority on achieving four fundamental goals: 1. Strengthening educational opportunities, so that America’s students and workers have the skills they need to succeed in the technology- and information-driven economy of today and tomorrow; 2. Revamping immigration rules for highly skilled workers, so that U.S. companies can attract and retain the world’s best scientific talent; 3. Increasing federal funding for basic scientific research, to train the next generation of innovators and provide the raw material for further innovation and development by industry; and 4. Providing incentives for private-sector R&D, so that American businesses remain at the forefront in developing new technologies and turning them into new products and services.
soooooooooo wakeup and do better job in your office